
These 4 books were written to help others who are thinking of moving to Spain.

Many people Dream of moving to Spain but it can be a nightmare for those who don't get all the right information and do the proper research first. Be one of the people that gets it right the first time and learn here from people who have been there and done that and got the T shirt.

"If you want what others have, you need to do what others do"

Davids Price promise.

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About the Author.

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David Charles Wright,

David has appeared as an expert guest on the popular TV program. A Place in the Sun" David has been interviewed on the BBC news channel and featured in local magazines.done radio interviews for Costa del sol radio now also on podcast shows on Apple and Spotify and this own podcast show as well as youtube channels and blogs can be found below.

David is an English man, born in 1962, who became frustrated and disillusioned  with the rat race 9 to 5 way of life and poor weather in the UK, so 19 years ago followed his dream and made the move to sunny Spain in search of a better way of life.

Going through a divorce and a global crisis that hit Spain hard, David has survived both and now married to Llani a Spanish girl for over 9 years he has extensive knowledge and contacts from both sides, English and Spanish, first as a British expat and from a Spanish resident with a Spanish wife and large Spanish family.

David has traveled all over Spain with his Spanish wife and to more than 20 other countries around the world including recently his dream destination of Bora Bora and Tahiti in the south Pacific and they still travel regularly, David has stopped working and bought a plot of land in Spain where he has almost finnished building his dream 4 bedroom villa  here Almeria in Spain.

David has built up a very useful list of contacts all over Spain from trades professionals and estate agents all the way up to being personal friends with the British consulate here in Almeria.

You can now get access to all his contacts and see the links to companies and reccomendations to important info on what you need when living and working in Spain,here in his books.